FatRat on Ubuntu Server
ZFS on Ubuntu Server
Modify WordPress file type restrictions
Poor Man’s Dynamic DNS
DD-WRT on the TP-Link N600
Linux Utilities
Securely erasing HDDs
GnuPG 2 on Ubuntu
Converting PFX for Linux
Resilio Sync on Linux
SNMP and MRTG: Ubiquiti Edgerouter Lite and Ubuntu Server
Removing Unused Linux Kernals from /boot on Ubuntu
Standing Desk: MultiTable ModTable and Ikea Gerton
Linux fstab: Automount Drive using UUID
Preventing Ubiquiti ERLITE-3 router from using ISP DNS servers
PPTP VPN on Ubuquiti EdgeRouter
Linux per-process memory usage
Setting up Time Machine Server on Ubuntu Server
Setting up Plex Media Server on Ubuntu Server
Managing Crashplan on a Headless Server
Bonjour / mDNS reflection on Ubiquiti EdgeOS
Linux screen cheat sheet
Monitor S.M.A.R.T. with smartmontools
Creating a time-lapse from a series of images using avconv
Duplicacy on Linux with Backblaze B2